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Unlock and leverage
your BGT with
stBGT on Stride
Total value locked
Total circulating stBGT
stBGT emitted today
stBGT in staking
stBGT/WBERA pool liquidity
stBGT stats
Coming soon
In-app swaps will be enabled very soon.
Buy stBGT
Available:0 BERA
You will get:

How to earn stBGT

Step 1
LP, lend, or supply collateral on BeraHub
Tutorial 1
Step 2
Receive receipt tokens and simply liquid stake them into a vault on Stride instead of BeraHub
Tutorial 1
Step 3
You’re now earning stBGT which is fully unlocked and ready to staked, LP’d or redeemed
Tutorial 1
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Stride is offering liquid staking for the Cosmos, Celestia and Berachain ecosystems, helping users to optimize their reward flows and earn higher yields, while keeping their tokens unlocked.

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